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31 Days of Transformation

As we continue on with the 31 Days of Halloween and discuss Twin Flames, I would like to remind you of your Soul Mission. The journey of Self-Discovery, and the road home to your awakened self is the ultimate goal! 

With each passing day, there person you spend the most time with is yourself. So with that we must always make sure we're placing ourselves as a top priority. 

The holiday season is upon us so I won't ask for too much because we're all drinking, eating, and being merry. But in true fashion, once the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, 2021... everyone will want to change their lives OVERNIGHT! Get ahead of the New Years Resolution train and start your transformation now. 

Listen to each video and see which ones work best for you. Add those to your daily routine. Then decide when to start your 31 Days of Transformation. It only takes 21 days to create or destroy a habit. You already know it's going to be a struggle so why not start today?

You'll be happy you did. 

1. The 50 Prosperity Secrets 

2. Imagine Success

3. Abundance Affirmations 

4. Manifest Anything You Desire 

5. Unblock All 7 Chakras 

6. Activate The Higher Mind: Unlock True Potential

7. Guided Meditation for a Productive Day

Simply listen to a video or two for 21-31days straight and watch how it changes your life! 

Have a great day!

And Remember... Miracles Are Normal ✨

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