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Tenants of the Treehouse is a lifestyle brand specializing in all your esoteric needs! Originating in New Orleans, La., we are now based out of Los Angeles, Ca.

We are sisters! Born with a veil, we come from a long line of magical beings. 

Here at the Treehouse we operate under the fundamental principle that everything is Spirit. Humans are spirits who inhabit the visible world. The unseen world is populated by spirits, mysteries, the invisibles, angels, and the spirits of ancestors and the recently deceased. All these spirits are believed to live in "The Universe" working together for our greater good. We connect with them through nature, rituals and the meditative state. 

We are 5th generation "Mystics" and "Spiritualists"!

What that means is we are:

High PriestessWe offer prayers and perform various devotional rites directed to God and particular spirits, mainly The 7 African Powers, in return for health, protection and favor. Ritual activity like dancing, singing, prayer and making offerings are aimed at refining and restoring balance and energy in relationships between people and the spirits of the unseen world. 

Shamans - Medicine Women who practice divination and healing; Herbalists. Mediates between the physical and spiritual realms.

The Gifted - Clairaudience (the power to hear clearly what is inaudible); Clairsentience (the gift of "gut feeling"); Clairalience (receives spiritual messages through clear smelling of things with no physical source); Clairgustance (clear tasting with no physical source); Claircognizance (clear knowing of people, places and events without encounter). 

Tarot Readersmystics who use tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards.

There are many more mystics with many different powers!


Treehouse from our ancestors having to practice their spirituality in secret and most times in the woods, hiding amongst the trees. We also believe in a direct connection to Mother Earth so all our products are Organic Nature Blends. 

This comes from our rich Native American and African ancestry. Our father's side of the family originated in South Carolina in a Sioux India tribe. They were chiefs, medicine men and keepers of secrets. My great-grandfather traveled to Louisiana and encountered the Houma Indians of Terrebonne Parish. He took up a wife and began our Louisiana roots. Our mother's side of the family were Choctaw, Cherokee, and Creole. We grew up on old Native American folklore about our ancestors and their magic. But as we grew older it was taboo partly due to society's fear and partly due to the "dark magic" on the rise in community at the time. Our family began to hide our magic to protect us. 

So we grew up Catholic, then Baptist, then Non-Denominational Christian, then I, the eldest, studied religion in college because I needed a better understanding. But not before my interest in African Spirituality at age 14 which led us all down a rabbit hole that spit us out on the path of enlightenment!  

We believe in The One Living & True God who we refer to as "Source" as in "source energy", the essence from which all things come. 

As light workers we use candles, herbs, and oils in most of our rituals and now that the world is catching up we want to be your leading provider of altar products! 

Stay a while. Check out the blogs on the home page because we're always giving you the latests news in the holistic industry as well as wellness and awakening tips!