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5 Techniques To Manifest Quicker!

The Law of Attraction was the best secret to be revealed within the last century! It's been used since ancient times, but became mainstream within the past 10 years! Manifestation is now a daily tool that we all should use. There are many different methods for manifesting, but here are our top 5 techniques for attracting our goals and desires quickly and easily. 

1. Vision Boards 

I'm sure you've heard of a vision board. You may have even created one before. It's #1 because it's our favorite here at The Treehouse. It's like window shopping and creating a "wishlist" of your DREAM LIFE! A vision board, or a dream board, is a crux in the art of manifesting.

You're basically creating what the "Bigger Picture" looks like.

Vision boards are like scrapbooks. They contain words and images that convey the energies and values you wish to experience in your life. It's a visualization tool. It's easy to become overwhelmed because we all want so much our of life. We suggest breaking your goals into sections.

Use The Top 5 Aspects of Life: 

1. Business & Finance - What are your career goals? What are your financial desires? Add a photo or text coinciding with those dreams. 

2. Love & Relationships -  Do you desire to be married and have children? Do you one day dream of healing a relationship with a family member? Add that to your board. 

3. Health & Wellness - What are your health goals? Want to achieve your ideal weight? Desire to eat healthier foods? Do you need help with your mental health? Add photos of meal preps. Add affirmation quotes. 

4. Faith & Spirituality - Focus on your Soul Goals. Your faith & spirituality is the essence from which all things flow. 

5. Travel & Leisure - This is self explanatory. I'll never forget the time my friend put a picture of Turks & Caicos on her vision board. We all just randomly cut out pictures of islands. The following year her whole vision board manifested including a Girls Trip to Turks & Caicos. It was so surreal! 

Supplies you’ll need will vary according to your personal artistic flair, but typically you will want to have: a large sheet of heavy weight paper, magazines, flyers, other print materials, scissors, glue, and writing tools.

 Vision Boards really work! Have fun! 

2. Reprogramming - Manifest While Asleep

If you want to manifest you need to first check your belief system. Do you even believe you can have everything you want? Do you really believe you can achieve your goals and desires? Or are you living in lack and think you'll never have enough and gaining abundance is hard? If you suffer from a "lack mindset" it's time for a paradigm shift. 

paradigm shift defines a fundamental change in how you see the world. Changing a personal paradigm opens up a range of new lifelines for your personal and professional growth, presenting you with more opportunities than before.

Our subconscious mind directs 95% of our lives.

That makes it the primary driver of our experience.

Dr. Bruce Lipton has done much research on how we can reprogram the subconscious mind. It turns out that the moments before falling asleep are a key opportunity for making change. Lipton explains that our subconscious mind is in a perfect state to download new information when it is functioning at the vibrational frequency of theta.

Though this frequency is most predominant during our first 6 or 7 years of life, the brain also slips through this frequency as we transition from the waking state to the sleeping state (and vice versa).

We can use this transition to our benefit, listening to subliminal recordings and affirmations to create a sort of self-hypnosis​. 

The late great Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote:

Each night as I drift off to sleep, I adamantly refuse to use this precious time to review anything that I do not want to be reinforced in the hours of being immersed in my subconscious mind. I choose to impress upon my subconscious mind, and therefore the mind of God to which I am eternally joined, my conception of myself as a Divine creator in alignment with the one mind. I groggily reiterate my I ams, which I have placed in my imagination, and I remember that my slumber will be dominated by my last waking concept of myself. I am peaceful, I am content, I am love, I am writing, I am the governing power of the universe, and I attract only to myself those who are in alignment with my highest ideals of myself.

I remind myself every night in these portentous pre-slumber moments what is offered in the Book of Job (33: 15-16)…

       “In a dream, in a vision of the night, while slumbering on their beds, then    

                He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.”

As we gently fall to sleep, the brain will take these positively inspired recordings and begin to rework them into our belief system.


3. Scripting  

Scripting is an advanced Law of Attraction technique that tricks your mind into thinking that what you currently wish for has already happened. Simply put, scripting is a technique where you describe in writing your life as if you already had what you wish to manifest.

When done correctly, the results are so mind-blowing that it might just be the most powerful Law of Attraction tool out there.

 ⟶ Do you want a new job? Describe how your first day at that particular job feels like.

Do you want to manifest a six-figure salary? Describe how it feels to be making six-figures. What are you doing with all that money?

Do you want to manifest your soul-mate? Describe how life with them looks like. Write down how your honeymoon was.

 The goal of scripting is to create a whole vision of yourself as if you already had manifested your desire. This means that the more details you can write down, the more powerful your manifestation will be. By involving strong positive emotions, you are also starting to vibrate at a higher frequency which will only make your manifestation that more powerful.

All you need is paper and pen to make let The Universe know you mean business!


 4. Third Party Perspective 

Another practice that supports the law of manifestation is the ‘Letter From Your Future Self’ technique.

This technique requires you to take some time to reflect upon what it is you truly long for, and to then pen a letter to your current self – from your future self.

You might decide to write it as if you are one year into the future, five years into the future, or ten. It is up to you.

The key to this exercise is visualizing your future self from the outside looking in. Visualize yourself watching your future self live your best life. What's going on? What are you wearing? Where do you live? What's your job like?

Now switch to first person perspective as your future self. Close your eyes and imagine yourself having achieved your dreams in that time period. Begin to write as if you have embodied and experienced everything you long for.

As you write this letter, fill in your current (or past) self about what you have achieved.

If you long to build your dream home in the country side, include details of the newly-built home in your letter.

If you yearn to share your insights and skills with your community, include details of your successful workshops and lectures in the letter.

Fold the letter, tuck it into an envelope, and write the appropriate future date on the front.

Keep it in a safe place where it can be recovered and read when the day arrives.


5.  Dimension Jumping 

This technique is based on a concept called "the multiverse" or also called the "many-worlds theory".

The many-worlds interpretation (MWI) is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wavefunction is objectively real and that there is no wavefunction collapse. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe. 

Now, I am no scientist and I definitely do not pretend to be one. But from what I understand, this means that there is an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of possibilities.

Everything that could have happened, did happen, in different realities.

If everything can and is happening, then there is a parallel universe somewhere where you have what you are currently dreaming of.

Of course, there is no concrete evidence of this. Mostly, it’s speculation based on empirical evidence. But, that doesn’t mean that we can’t apply it to spirituality.

To do this manifestation technique, you will need two cups, a few post-its, a pen, and water.



Start by placing two post-its in front of you. On one write "current situation" and on the other "desired situation".

Proceed to describe each situation in as much detail, length as you wish. Once you are done, stick each post-it on a glass.

You now have one glass that represents the "current situation" and a second glass that represents the "desired situation".


Pour water into the “current situation” glass and visualize what you wrote on your post-it.

Place your hands around the glass as if you were infusing it with your vision. As it is always the case with visualization, be as precise as you can, go into as much detail possible, and most importantly involve your emotions.


Take your "current situation" cup and pour it into the "desired situation" glass.

Again, place your hand around the cup as if to infuse it with your vision.

This time, visualize the desired outcome. In your mind's eye, see yourself having manifested the desired outcome and imagine how it feels. Create an abundant, positive, detailed vision.


When you are ready, drink the water to the very last drop.

Continue to feel all those good feelings knowing that you have shifted dimensions and that your "desired situation" will soon become your reality.


Discard the "current situation" post-it and hold on to the "desired situation”. You can even cross the word “desired” and replace it with “current”.

 That’s it! You are done.

You just jumped dimensions. Congratulations!

 As you go forward with these top 5 techniques don't forget the oldie, but goodies! 

A Mantra A Day Paves The Way!

Manifestation Affirmations

Positive affirmations are another powerful way of reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Once we’ve explored our conditioned beliefs and are ready to move beyond them, we can begin to instill empowering beliefs in the form of manifestation affirmations.

The affirmations you choose should resonate strongly with your highest self.

Create your own or consider any number of the following:

I am worthy of receiving my heart’s desire.​

I trust the universe and its goodness.​

I steer my life in the direction of my highest dreams.​

I am continually learning, growing, and evolving.​

I open my heart to the world with trust and faith.

Manifestation affirmations should always be spoken in the present tense.

You can repeat your positive affirmations (either a single sentence or a few) during the day, during meditation or as you drift to sleep.






  • Wow. Powerful! I was doing some of these things and didn’t realize I was manifesting my milestones. ❤

    Sonia Bell
  • This article was everything! Sharing with my loved ones ASAP!


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