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Are You Manifesting Illness?

For the past few weeks I've been having a stomach ache. It's been scaring me because I've been eating 3 square meals and healthy ones at that. I was making smoothies and juices in the mornings, eating a vegetable soup, salad, or sandwich for lunch, then I was cooking 4 course meals at night. I'm gaining healthy weight and getting sun. It's been worrying me. I started drinking ginger ale everyday. Why do Black People think ginger ale is medicine? Haha! 


Once I realized everything in the physical health department was A-1 I decided it had to be spiritual or emotional. It was both. I've been reading "You Can Heal Your Life" baby Louise Hay. It's a book about physical ailments brought on by not dealing with past emotional trauma or current emotional issues. I checked out my symptoms, "stomach problems" and there is was, the emotional issue linked to that is "Dread. Fear of the new. Can't assimilate the new." 

I'm newly married and I've been trying to escape and build my own family, yet it's hard to release my biological family. I've been working at it for some time. I've been dreading it, but it is here. I need to learn to assimilate with my new life. My new family. I have to "let go". On top of that, the matriarch of my family had been sick. I didn't want to contemplate facing this "new world" without her. It's spilling over. 

Then I did a reading on myself. Yes, I went all out about a stomach ache because the body has it's own way of talking to you. Pay attention. So I pulled the "Second Chakra" card from my energy deck. The message was loud and clear- I'm being urged to explore different areas of self-expression.

So with working through my emotions I can cure myself? My stomach will stop hearting and I won't be nauseous?

Could it really be that simple? If you're not sure, I've dropped some common ailments, the cause, and affirmation to cure it- according to "You Can Heal Your Life". #ThankMeLater 


Feel free to try it out for yourself. Have a wonderful day. You could be manifesting illness by not dealing with your traumas or confronting issues head on. Yesterday is too heavy. Put it down. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Dig deep and heal that emotional trauma before it develops into a physical ailment. 

Don't forget... the best doctors are:

- Sunshine 

- Water

- Air

- Exercise 

- Healthy Diet

- Rest

Have a blessed day! 





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