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Candle Magick

Candles often come into play when performing rituals. But how to choose them? Here is a guide to their areas of application. 🌙

White: purity, sincerity, truth, wisdom, initiation, consecration, meditation, clairvoyance, psychic power, pregnancy, breastfeeding, maternity.

Black: banishment, evil eye, purification of negative energies.

Violet: increased psychic abilities, clairvoyance, mediumship, introspection, serenity, inner peace, calm, confidence in itself.

 Pink: beauty ritual, seal a friendship, heal with a broken heart, reconciliation.

 Green: luck, professional and financial prosperity, fertility, healing, fear, jealousy, fertility of the earth, protection of the flora.


Blue: meditation, ritual attracting peace and wisdom, premonitory and prophetic dreams, success in work, creation and corporate protection.

 Red: love, passion, sexuality, fertility, courage, willpower, vitality,strength.

 Yellow: self-confidence, joy, creativity, dynamism, charm, awaken hidden talents.

 Orange: vitality, dynamism, enthusiasm, freedom from fear, balance between libido and spirit, connection with the divine, gratitude.

 Gray: management of conflict, neutralization of harmful influences, struggle against selfishness, prayer to deities and the universe.

 Brown: ritual anchoring, rooting, protection of animals, pets and wildlife, safety, fight against hypersensitivity.

 Have fun!

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