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Daniel Fast: Day 1

Welcome Tenants!

If you are participating in the Daniel Fast with us then you're in luck because today is the first day of Week 1! 

Today we had Vegetable Stuffed Jumbo Shells and a side salad. 

We were off to a lazy start since I didn't prepare on Sunday like I wanted to. I decided to live a little. It was nice. I said all that to say - today we had a little dairy. Haha! Awful. We had two types of Jumbo Shells - Spinach Artichoke and Vegetable Stuffed Shells with broccoli, zucchini. squash, and bell peppers. I topped this with veggie chorizo crumbles from Morning Star.

*The recipes I'm listing below are NOT exactly what I used. I've made these meals so many times that I just changed it up a bit. Usually, to make it easy on myself I just use my favorite recipes, but remove the meat and instead pack it with vegetables. Remember no animal products/dairy, no alcohol, no caffeine, no fried foods or sugary foods. 

Here's the Recipe to Spinach Artichoke Stuffed Shells and Vegetable Stuff Shells. If any meat is listed on either recipe just remove it. Any time you see dairy you must use it's "Non-Diary" equivalent (ex. Cheese, Vegan Cheese. Egg, Vegan Egg, etc.) Put your own spin on the recipes. I told you what I used which came out great so feel free to use the same vegetables. 

This is the shortcut I often use for the artichoke dip, but remember you're staying away from dairy for these 21 days. Trader Joe's may have some vegan or non-dairy artichoke dip. Try the recipe. I also put shrimp in the spinach artichoke shells when I make it, but we're not supposed to have "animal products" for this fast. So try something new you may like to keep even after the fast. We're gaining clarity and creating new healthy lifestyles. 

The good news is I've already cooked the soup we're going to eat for the next 2 days! Here is the recipe to the Vegetable Soup. Add your own twist to it or look at similar recipes. 

I'll make sure to pick up some vegan cheese for this grilled cheese sandwich I like with my vegetable soup. 

Here's a few tips to make your time easier: 

The food restrictions are set to help detox your body, but they're not set in stone. The fast is about getting closer to God, not just the changes in your appearance and mood. 

If you "break any of the rules", just try harder the next few days. You'll get there. Make sure you're fasting, praying and/or meditating. 

Focus more on what you can eat and eat the same thing for a full week if you need to. Just continue and enjoy the journey.

I'm looking for more recipes for the rest of the week so come back and visit. 


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