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Daniel Fast: Week 2 Meal Plan

Welcome to Week 2 of the Daniel Fast. I hope the first week wasn't too hard on you, but I have a few tips to help as you move forward. 

So last week we started the Daniel Fast. It was still the holiday so we were asked to go out quite a few times. Usually I wouldn't go because I often struggled with keeping my fast. There is no need for more temptation in that area. Haha! But now I can brave most situations without backsliding. Use these tips to help you keep your fast in any situation. 

On Tuesday night we were invited out to Pasha in Atlanta. I love that spot! It's a Mediterranean restaurant with a beautiful vibe! Of course I was nervous because I'm the type that let's it all hang out when I'm having a good time. I need a cocktail, a hookah, some food and I'm rolling. Well to my surprise they had a lot to offer that wouldn't blow the fast!  

1. Drinking Liquor

You should not be drinking any liquor on this fast! BUT IF YOU DO - it should be a "skinny cocktail" with white liquor OR JUST STICK TO WINE! 

2. Smoking

The Daniel Fast says nothing about smoking, but a part of our fast this year is was to stop "chain-smoking" marijuana. At Pasha they have this new hookah flavor that is far less harsh because it's all natural and they use almond milk instead of water. Amazing! 

3. Eating Out

The food options were impeccable! I usually eat their lamb or salmon plate, but this time we tried the Pasha Salad and Brussel sprouts. It was delicious and it felt sexy and fun. But most of all, it helped keep our fast. 

*Please understand that you want to keep your partying and hanging with others to a limit during this time because it's more about you spending time fellowshipping with GOD! 

Daniel Fast: Week 2 

After doing some research to make this easier for everyone I came across some videos I wish I had YEARS AGO! But a thought crossed my mind as well. This is not supposed to be super easy because we're building discipline. I just try to ease the pain of the process so you hang in there. After doing the fast a few times you'll be so happy to just fall right into it.  Below are some videos for your viewing. They all have meal plans for the week. Let us know if this helps! 

She did an amazing job and I support meal prepping for this journey 100%. 

 We hope you enjoyed this article and would love to hear about your journey! 

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