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Do You Believe In Magic?

When most people think about magic they think of all the theatrics: disappearing acts, pulling a rabbit out of a hat, etc. But what if I told you magic is much more than that? What if I told you, you've probably been using magic in your daily life for a while? Don't believe me? Keep reading...

Do you say a daily prayer? Whether it's when you start your day or when you end it, if you say a prayer you probably close it out with "Amen". 


Well I hate to break it to you, but you were doing magic. "Amen" is a Hebrew incantation meaning "so it be". 

But we're just getting started. 

Magic practitioners follow the phases of the moon. You have probably wondered what all this talk of "Mercury Retrograde" has been about or been intrigued by the mention of "Full Moon Rituals".

Well if you're a woman, you're naturally synched to the moon. That's why you have a "Moon Cycle" every month. 

Our menstrual cycles are synced up with the waxing and waning of the moon, occurring around every 28 days.

If we are synced up with the moon's cycle, we will menstruate around the new moon and ovulate around the full moon. If not, you're "irregular". 

Do you drink? Are you familiar with the phrase, "Beer, Wine & Spirits"? Well what are spirits? "Spirits" refers to the actual alcoholic beverage. When the grains are distilled to make the alcohol they give off air! The manufacturers call this the "spirit". But the mystics say ancient alchemist say when drinking these elixirs that lower your inhibitions you're opening yourself up to spirits. For some of you it may have been a "Sexually Transmitted Demon". So be careful of the goons and goblins when you're letting the "spirits" overtake you. 




Have you tried Affirmations? Affirmations of words of support or encouragement that you tell yourself. Well, that's what I wish they were, but affirmations are anything you repeated tell yourself whether positive or negative. When you "affirm" something you are standing on it as true. That's why it's so important to make sure the next words your say after "I Am" hold true to you and your desires. Always speak in the present tense. The Universe wants to give you what you want. You should want "more wanting". So don't "affirm"- "I want to be healthy". You should affirm, "I am healthy and energetic. I am living my best life." Even if it's not true at the moment, say if for 30 days straight and come back here with your testimony. 

Last, but most certainly not least, I can't forget about "Abracadabra". 


Look around. There's magic all around you. Each night you set like the sun, only to arise renewed again the next day. There's power in you. That is your magic. Look for more ways you use magic in your everyday life. A lot of you don't know where your next dollar or next meal will come from, but you believe in your power to make magic happen each day! Keep going. 

Until next time... Stay Mesmerizing. 





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