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"God" vs "The Universe"

Since the dawn of time Our Creator have been called several different names in different regions and across different cultures. But today, there's this battle between the idea that God is being erased when term "The Universe" is used. Some say, "God created the universe so the two are not the same! "

Well here's our take... 

For far too long our ideas and even mental depictions of God have been limited. Most imagine an old white man in the sky - Sky Daddy. But is that really God? Some see God as a gender-neutral spirit. Others call God "her and she".

Obatala is the African Orisha that represents "The Creator" and Yoruba "Sky Daddy! 

Here at the Treehouse we believe God created all things so God is in all things. When we say "The Universe" conspires to make sure all your dreams come true we mean God makes sure EVERYTHING opens up to you or falls to your feet. 

God is in the wind that provides a soft breeze gentle enough to rub a tear from your cheek. God is the flowing water providing life, so above, so below. God is in the trees that provide shade and shelter as well as bear fruit for food. God is even in the information that allows doctors to put us back together again. 

God is even in the messages you may get from songs or a stranger walking up and saying something random that spoke to your life. That's all God and God's work. We're merely characters in the story. 

God is even within you. We believe God is "Big G", The Angels and Orishas are "Little G" and we as super humans are "Inner G"! We're all just energy! God and The Universe are Source Energy!  

God wouldn't want us finding more small things to fight about. Especially when The Universe is so abundance and returns what you give out! If you pay attention you can see The Universe moving in your favor. That's by the wave of God's hand.

Don't limit God... God is Everything in The Universe She Created! 

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