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Holistic Healthcare: Corona Virus Prevention

Welcome Tenants! 

If you and your loved one have not been affected by the corona virus you're truly blessed. Make sure to thank God and your immune system. Others have not been so lucky. 

So here's what we know:

- The government said you can get it from touching surfaces. Then they took it back. Then it was airborne. Then it wasn't, but you need the mask on not to spread it. Then there as a curfew as if the virus only came out at now. Then there wasn't. Then a vaccine was talked about and released in 2 months. 

- Before the vaccine, the virus only had a 2% kill rate, now the number of vaccinated people dying from adverse reactions to the shot are skyrocketing. 

- The Covid-19 Vaccine is still in the experimental stage which means whoever takes it is now a part of the experiment. 

- They were testing it on animals, but too many animals kept dying, but it was an emergency so they released it, hence the "Emergency Use" stamp of approval it has instead of an Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval. That says a lot because the FDA 

- We were told that standing 6ft apart with masks on would help prevent the spread. All of a sudden no one had on masks because the mandates were lifted especially if you're vaccinated. 

- Now the children are back in school and the government is ready to shut the country down again. 

- Now the news is calling the vaccinated --- "SUPER SPREADERS"! 

So as you can see there are so many conflicting stories and ideas surrounding this virus. We still don't really know where it comes from, what causes, or how to battle it. But one thing we do know is, for every illness that arises, God has already created the cure in nature. So we're here to give you holistic healthcare advice. Feel free to try these remedies and let us know how it goes. 

 Look at the photo above. The medicine cabinet is found right in your kitchen. The garden is the only true "Farmacy"! Fun Fact: Medicine from you local doctor is a replica of the cures found in nature. For example, one medium clove of Garlic can equal the antibacterial action equivalent to 1% penicillin. So it's safe to say a few cloves of garlic a day for up to a week would be equivalent to a week's supply of antibiotics. So instead of waiting until you're sick, it's probably a great idea to add more garlic to your recipes! But we'll come back to garlic. 

1. Healing Steam  

Right now I want to talk about my favorite home remedy and it's "for the culture, by the culture". It's been circulating online since the pandemic started. Then the president of Madagascar had it manufactured. I call it "Healing Steam". You can boil it on the stove, once you turn the fire off you can stand over the pot with a towel on your head to steam. You could also pour the boil into your bath water. Some alternatively use the steam as a tea. It's effective each way. 

Here are the ingredients: Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, Orange and Lemon. You could also add guava leaves, mint, and/or basil. 

Try it and let us know. 


2. Eucalyptus  

Speaking of "healing steam", you should probably run down to your local grocery store, plant nursery, or Lowe's and pick up a Eucalyptus bunch. 

Stepping into a hot shower can help release all the tension you’ve gathered after a long, stressful day. Now imagine breathing in deep to a minty, earthy aroma as it mixes with the steam—a distinctive scent that could only derive from a eucalyptus plant, which is native to Australia.If that sounds like something you’d only experience in a luxurious day spa, think again.

You can amplify your shower experience by hanging a "bath bouquet" or bundle of eucalyptus from their shower head. Not only is it beautiful decor, but it has many healthy benefits. According to prevention.com, eucalyptus has been shown to help relieve upper respiratory issues, which is why the plant’s essential oil is often the active ingredient in over-the-counter chest rubs and used with humidifiers. 

When you hang eucalyptus in the shower, the steam releases the essential oils of the eucalyptus plant, which can aid in clearing nasal congestion and inflammation related to sinus and bronchial infections, at least temporarily. 

This is important when fighting corona virus which attacks the respiratory system, hence the ventilators that many of the infected were placed on. Try it and let us know how you like it. 

3. Trace Minerals 

 Bodily functions can be severely hindered by a lack of trace minerals. For example, a lack of magnesium can cause chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, and cramps. In addition, a lack of calcium can lead to muscle cramping and aches, a lack of energy, and osteoporosis. The most commonly known trace minerals that you're probably familiar with include iron, copper, iodine, chromium, zinc, fluoride, cobalt, selenium, and manganese. "Trace minerals help with important bodily functions, including hormone production, metabolism, muscle contraction, carrying oxygen in the blood, and nerve and thyroid function," Dudash says. As you can see, trace minerals are super important for maintaining essential parts of your overall health. (Eatthis.com)


This is an important prevention method to protect you against all illnesses and disease. My family also uses Colloidal Silver. We take our minerals and vitamins daily. You don't want to wait until you're sick and expect nature to come to the rescue. You must be tuned in and regularly eating from nature to become "immune". 

4. Add More Greens To Your Diet 

This is a no brainer! Leafy green vegetables are brimming with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating a healthy portion every day can help protect you from many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and can also help you live longer. 

Kale, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuces, collard greens, arugula, and other greens help lower cholesterol, boost energy, preserve eye health and reduce inflammation, among other benefits. They also contain compounds and anti-inflammatory properties that can protect your heart.

Not to mention, greens are natural detoxifiers. Add Oregano and Basil to the list. Find new and fun ways to incorporate more greens into your diet. 

5. Add More Garlic To Your Diet

And last but not least, Galíque! Garlic is very controversial for me right now because Dr. Sebi said it's not good for you. It's acidic instead of alkaline. Fortunately, that's what gives it the power it needs to be an antibiotic. When I've had strep throat in the past I've created a little paste with chopped garlic, cayenne pepper, and organic honey. I ate some every 30 minutes and by the morning the white patches were gone. Then I followed up by drinking an elixir for the next 3 days. It's basically the cayenne lemonade recipe, but with ginger and garlic. 

Ingredients: Spring Water, Lemon, Cayenne, Honey, Garlic and Ginger. 

I usually mix the ingredients and blend them into a juice. I would sip on that for a few days and feel so energized! Try it and leave a comment! 

There are many ways to stay healthy at this time, make sure you work on preventing the virus versus trying to cure it. 

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