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How To Find The Magic In Your Everyday Life

You are a magical being! But sometimes we have to believe it to see it. 

In Matthew 18:3 Jesus says, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you change and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

 In this scripture, to be childlike means to be submissive and dutiful! It also refers to "blind faith" and trust. But for the purposes of this article we are going to  speak to a child's imagination! We're going to use the word "imagination" because that's the one thing we lose when we get older that we don't realize we really need! We think it's only reserved for children! But we should never stop dreaming! 

What is the definition of Imagination? 

1 : the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. 2a : creative ability. b : ability to confront and deal with a problem : resourcefulness use your imagination and get us out of here.

When we were children we believed in the power of our dreams! Some of us even had "imaginary friends"! As a spiritualist, I want to make you aware that children are open vessels for spirits as their soul is still in transition. That is why my little sister and little cousin who are six years apart had an "imaginary friend" by the same name, but she only appeared at the same house. It could have only been the same little girl's spirit.

*Please be mindful of this as you allow them to consume media and social media.* 

But these friends don't leave, children just transition into "nonbelievers" as they grow older OR... they were forced into being nonbelievers because the people who couldn't "see" it thought it was crazy! Think about that because you can apply this same scenario to any part of your life! 

When did you stop believing in your magical powers?

Adults experience stagnation and suffering because we don't DREAM anymore! We feel like, "Well, I'm grown. I may not have the life I wanted, but I'm grateful to be here (even though I'm miserable). It's okay. Those were just dreams. Child things." 

You're closing yourself off from your blessings by putting an expiration date on your dreams and a limit on what God can do in your life! You most certainly are UNDERESTIMATING the power that you have been given to make moves in your own life. 

Dream again! Then manifest it! Remember as kids we said "BINGO" when we saw a car or house we wanted? Get back to it. As long as you have breath that's another chance. 

I call my oldest niece, "The Oracle", and her little sister is a "Master ManifeSTAR"! For example, she loves pizza. She asked their mom to have pizza for dinner. Mom said, "Not tonight." But then their mom, my sister, decided to do an experiment as she she'd been noticing her baby girl had strong manifestation powers. So mom told her, "You said you want pizza? Manifest it! Think about having pizza for dinner and see if it comes true." 

My niece smiled then sat back and looked out the window. The car was silent as the three of them rode home just listening to the music. When they pulled up to the house my sister was SHOCKED! My younger niece yelled, "PIZZA"! When my sister looked up there was a pizza guy dropping off pizza to the neighbors. So my niece jumped out and THE NEIGHBOR saw her and said, "Hey my friend, would you like a slice?" 

Of course my sister couldn't believe she'd confirmed her own suspicions! It's amazing even though it's a little surprising or spooky at first. My niece is accustomed to getting what she wants, so why wouldn't she believe she could have pizza for dinner? She probably envisioned herself eating a slice then felt all warm inside before she let the idea go and focused on something else. She believes in her power to get what she wants! Haha! If a 4-year-old can do it, I'm sure you could too. 

What do you believe about yourself? 

Some of us are our biggest critics and worst enemies. This is your call to stop the self-sabotage. You know you can do it so stop hunching your shoulders! You know you can light up a room! You know your influence. Come out of the shadows! OWN YOUR MAGIC! 

The magic is all around you, step into it! 

Need Help? Read 5 Techniques To Manifest Quicker!

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