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If You're Looking For A Sign...

We love our mystics! 

Here are some of the messengers I turn to when I need a reading and need a "second intuition" on a matter. We offer readings here on the site, but here are a few other spiritualists that can help you along your journey.


1. The Tarot Priest is at the top of my list right now, especially after this "Where Will You Be 1 Year From Now" Pick-A-Card- reading! It rocked my world! Check it out for yourself. 

2. Shonetta has really grown! This is one of her "timeless" videos from when she first started. Check out her page and see if you like it. 

3. Cherry's Awakening is new on the scene, but she's making waves in intuitive readings. Subscribe!

 4. Justin from You Are Creators is one of my absolute favs when it comes to the "Magic of the Mind". He teaches about manifesting anything you want. 

5. Not everyone has a yoga and meditation studio near by. Here's some chakra healing music you can listen to in the shower or while you sleep. Check it out! 

Comment below to let us know which one you like!  

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