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Is it a Soulmate or a Soul Tie?

Have you ever been in love? I’m not talking about that puppy love! I’m talking about that UNEXPLAINABLE, INTENSE, OUTER THIS WORLD EXPERIENCE type of LOVE! It didn't matter what they did right or wrong, the love stayed just as strong. You felt this was "The One".

Most of us feel we’ve experienced that type of love at least once before. Are you married to that person? Many are not. Do you still talk to that person? Many do not. Are you one of the many confused about how this life changing connection could just… die?

You’re wondering if it was ever real or if it’s all in your head. 

I have some good news and I have some bad news. 

It was real. It IS very real. 

But now you have to find out what it REALLY was.

There are several categories your attachment could fall into: Soulmates, Twin Souls, Karmic Souls, and Soul Ties. 

When our spirits descended to earth we came in “Spirit Family Groups”. We're meant to find one another and connect along the journey. Some are lovers, some are lessons, some are meant to be life partners, while others are meant to be let go. 

By the end of this article you'll know which one you are and which one you're dealing with. 

Soulmate is the most commonly used term when referring to two people who are “meant to be” in an everlasting relationship. But Soulmates are not always “lovers”.  A soulmate could be a friend or a family member like your mother or child. Your best friend could be one of your soulmates. Soulmates just naturally click and compliment one another. You will have a few Soulmates in 1 lifetime. They appear to help ease your journey. It's not a walk in the park, but it's not the same emotional rollercoaster that other attachments can be. 

In a past life reading I found out my husband has been with me for many lifetimes. His soul is determined to find mine each lifetime. With him I’m learning so many lessons about self-love which is healing my heart chakra. This love has it’s fiery moments, but it often strives to be patient and kind. 

Twin Souls, more commonly referred to as TWIN FLAMES, are the EXACT OPPOSITE of an easy journey. Disclaimer: I had to stop calling this connection “Twin Flames” because it perfectly describes the intensity, but imperfectly describes the relationship. To say “Twin Flame” subconsciously places you in an energetic field of passionate and fiery SEX! For many, that term “justifies” the toxicity that relationship often revolves around before “healing is achieved”. 

Your “Twin Flame” is the person that is literally “the other half of your soul”. This person is the “Yin to your Yang”. Just as every person embodies both “masculine” and “feminine” energies, each “god body” or “soul” comes to the 3D realm with a “Divine Masculine” and “Divine Feminine” partner. The goal is for these two to find one another and achieve ASCENSION! That’s the Soul Mission! But how do you get there? You must FACE YOURSELF! You must face your twin and heal what’s within. In the same manner that other relationships can hold up a mirror for you to see yourself, YOUR TWIN IS YOUR MIRROR

You may be “Trauma Bonding” with your twin because you two mirror one another and your life stories are similar, especially childhood. Even if it doesn’t look the same physically, the trauma and the lessons endured are what connect you. You’re two sides of One Soul trying to achieve balance and harmony. That is the struggle. 

The biggest mistake we could ever make is taking this connection for granted. Most of us reject this connection before we realize what it really is. Some get together and toil in a never-ending relationship where no one ever gets what they want because one or neither want to do the work ON SELF that it takes to heal each other. They just stay in the same cycle working on the relationship with one another instead of their relationships with themselves. 

Sex is also a BIG DEAL in this connection! The connection is so strong and many of us aren’t taught other ways to show that strong of a love for someone besides sharing our bodies. It’s a major mistake. The sex may be good, but then it interferes with the work that needs to be done. SEX is counter productive because sex comes with EXPECTATIONS and takes away from UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Your distractions in the 3D are preventing you from ascending to the 5D. 

 You’re supposed to be joining forces for a Soul Mission. You two have to figure out what it is. It’s going to be some type of humanitarian effort and healing process because that’s what this life is about. 

Don’t get confused. Twin Flames can have ever-lasting love, it's just hard to make the relationship work. Why? Well think about it... would it be easy to be in a relationship with yourself? How about with your shadow side that you don't show people? It's a challenge for anyone, but once achieved it's THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL TIME! 

But it feels so good! I've read about spouses separating for one (or the other) to try a relationship with their twin flame only to have their TWIN FLAME run off and galavant with another type of attachment. They realized this is not a FAIRYTALE JOURNEY!  This is a real battle of SELF DISCOVERY!


Karmic Souls are the next attachment. A karmic relationship is a relationship meant to facilitate the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime surrounding love and partnership. When you’re not in alignment and you’ve fallen off track, these Souls will arrive to help you. It’s going to hurt, but you’re going to be transformed. 

There’s an instant connection, but it feels off. It’s addicting so it becomes codependent and toxic very quickly. This is relationship is not meant to last, but it will be one of your biggest life lessons — in love and personal growth. 

 Don’t get confused. These attachments often think they’re Twin Flames or Soulmates… so do Soul Ties.

 Unhealthy Soul Ties are often the ramifications of having partners that you create a life-long bond with through a sexual encounter(s), but with whom you only have a short-term relationship with. The bond (soul tie) remains long after the relationship is over, leaving both sexual partners longing for wholeness.

Sex is a tridimensional experience: mind, body, and soul. Anytime you have sex with a person you bond with them. During this “bonding process” you share your soul. Sex is like gluing two things together then ripping them apart the next day. Each side will have pieces of the opposite side still attached. A piece of your sex partner (the good, bad, and ugly) stays with you (and vice versa) for the rest of your life.

 You leave part of your self with that person and take a part of them with you. That’s the main reason why promiscuous people are “all over the place”. They have too many souls attached to them and some are demons. Is this an even trade for you?

 This attachment can feel very real, but it’s just sex! Don’t make permanent decisions in this temporary relationship. 

 It takes a Spiritual Cleanse to escape this Soul Tie. 

Now that you know the difference, act accordingly. 

 To Be Continued…

 *Will include steps for breaking Soul Ties and a Twin Flame Tarot Reading. 

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  • Continueeee please


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