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Lions Gate Portal 8/8

The Lions Gate Portal is often seen as an auspicious and transformative period in the spiritual and energy realms. It is believed to be a time when the Earth aligns with the star Sirius, which is often referred to as the "Spiritual Sun." This alignment is said to create a powerful portal through which high-frequency energies flow to Earth.

Key Themes and Beliefs Associated with the Lions Gate Portal:

  • Spiritual Awakening: The Lions Gate Portal is often seen as a time of increased spiritual awareness, insight, and awakening. Many people report experiencing shifts in their consciousness and heightened intuition during this time.
  • Personal Transformation: The energy of the Lions Gate Portal is believed to support personal transformation and growth. It is seen as an opportunity to release old patterns, beliefs, and limitations and to embrace new levels of self-awareness and empowerment.
  • Energetic Upgrades: Some believe that the cosmic energies during the Lions Gate Portal can lead to energetic upgrades in the human energy field. This can result in a greater sense of vitality, clarity, and alignment with one's true purpose.
  • Manifestation: The heightened energy of the portal is thought to amplify manifestation and intention-setting. It is seen as a potent time to focus on positive affirmations and intentions for the future.
  • Connection with Guides and Higher Self: Many individuals believe that the Lions Gate Portal provides an opportunity to connect more deeply with spiritual guides, angels, and one's higher self. This can lead to insights and guidance on one's life path.
  • Creative Expression: The increased energy during this time is said to support creative endeavors and self-expression. Artists, writers, and creators may find themselves particularly inspired.
  • Energy Healing and Balance: Some people engage in energy healing practices, meditation, and other holistic modalities during the Lions Gate Portal to promote balance and alignment in their physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

According to MagicalRecipesOnline.com:

"The Lion’s Gate Portal opens from July 26-August 12, but peaks on August 8th, a date that holds great numerological significance. In numerology, the number 8 represents infinity, abundance, and balance. The energetic combination of the lion’s energy with the power of the number 8 creates a potent force for personal transformation and manifestation."

"Ancient cultures and spiritual traditions around the world have recognized the Lion’s Gate Portal as a time of heightened spiritual energy. Some believe that it is a period when the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thin, allowing easier communication with higher beings and spiritual guides. Others see it as a gateway to accessing higher knowledge and receiving cosmic downloads."

Playful Ideas for Lion’s Gate Portal Magick

While harnessing the energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal, it’s important to have fun and infuse your magick with playfulness and creativity. Here are some creative spells and rituals to explore:

1. Creativity spells and rituals: Engage in artistic activities like painting or writing poetry to channel the portal’s creative energies.
2. Love and self-love spells: Create personalized love potions using rose petals, essential oils, and intention-infused water to attract love or enhance self-love.
3. Personal growth and manifestation rituals: Write a letter to your future self, detailing your dreams and aspirations. Seal it in an envelope and read it next year to witness your growth and manifesting abilities.

Prosperity spell: Create an abundance altar using a golden candle and a single citrine crystal. Place on your altar a symbol of wealth like a gold coin or a dollar bill. Take from your ritual tarot deck the the Nine of Pentacles, which depicts a  woman surrounded by a lush garden, a symbol of abundance. Gaze on her and light the candle. Let abundance from to you with the energy of the candle, filtered through citrine and magnified by the 9 of pentacles. Visualize yourself surrounded by wealth and prosperity.

Meditation and visualization: Sit in a comfortable position and visualize a golden cosmic portal through which a golden light flowing through you. Let yourself and your energy bathe in that golden light connecting you to the cosmic energies of the portal. Envision your desires and intentions as already manifested realities.

Journaling and intention setting: Write down your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Be specific and focus on what you want to manifest during this portal. Writing helps to clarify your intentions and anchor them into reality. Read More at MagicalRecipesOnline.com


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