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Lover's Salt

Red salt or Lovers salt as I like to call it, is a multi-purpose herbal charm used to attract love, fidelity, prosperity, happiness and friendship; all key components to any healthy and prosperous relationship (even with self).


• Sea Salt: cleanses and removes any blockages that are preventing love attraction.

• Sugar: sweetens your intentions and sways results in your favor.

• Dried Rose Petals: associated with Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love), used to attract love and is added to charms to ward off negative forces.

• Cinnamon: commonly burned to sanctify objects and brings comfort, love, happiness & money to the user.

• Chamomile: used for love, tranquility, purification and money.

*Feel free to add any herbs you feel may be beneficial!




• Sprinkle under your bed to add some fire to your sex life.

• Carry with you in a sachet to invite love.

• Use as loose incense to enhance your intentions or burn during meditation to open up your heart chakra.

• Sprinkle under your chair at the bar if you’re looking for someone special.

• Coat your candles with honey and sprinkle Lovers Salt on top to invite fresh relationships.

• Use to draw circles and or other symbols at your altar space.

I personally am openly and proudly dating MY DAMN SELF so never fear! This is still a great recipe even if you’re flying solo for Valentine’s Day! Draw yourself a bath and add a dash of Lovers Salt for a relaxing self-care ritual 🌹


*How-to quickly dry out your rose petals:

If you don’t have time to let your rose petals air-dry then oven-drying will help speed up the process! Set your oven to at least 150-200 degrees. Place your rose petals on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for 20 minutes. Make sure to leave the oven door open so that the moisture can escape! #Repost @theafrowitch

1 comment

  • Looking to give my fiance more sex drive to keep up with me…I’m more sexually adventurous and he is not…any suggestions or will the lovers salt help?


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