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Tarot Readers: The Celtic Cross Spread

We love reading tarot. It's so intimate. It's a great way to build a stronger connection with your spirit guides. With practice you will become more secure with hearing the voices of your guides. I love a good "3 Card Spread". Past, present, and future, who needs to know more. That was my go to for a long time. I was a "one trick pony". Sometimes less is more. But I started playing around with a few different spreads and fell involve with the "Celtic Cross Spread". 

The Universe sent us this special treat from TarotProphet.com. It's a detailed break down of how this spread works and what can be accomplished with it. 

Despite its complexity, the Celtic Cross Spread has remained popular for many, many years. This is probably because its charm lies in its complexity. It’s also one of the oldest tarot spreads and is commonly found in guide books for Tarot Decks like the Rider-Waite.

I find this tarot spread to be the most helpful in complicated situations because it’s versatile and delivers vast amounts of information. Each readers using the Celtic Cross tarot spreads can be interpreted in several ways depending on the positions the cards fall in. It may not be an easy tarot spread for beginners, but once you get the hang of it you can use this tarot spread to find out what’s at the core of any type of condition. It shows internal as well as external aspects of a condition and, with practice, it can be used to answer any type of question. I’m going to explain this one in detail so you can make the most of it in your practice, and you can also share it with others.

#1 – The first card presents the current condition the person the reading is about finds themselves in. What surrounds them and what is involved in the question they are facing?

#2 – The second card is placed across the first card, facing to the left and is always read in an upright position. It shows what the core obstacle is that needs to be overcome, or what the thing is that’s holding the person back. If this is a positive card it may be fear or envy of the circumstances that are depicted that are holding the person back.

#3 – The third card reveals subconscious influences. What does the subject of the reading truly desire? These unknown influences have a powerful effect on a person’s everyday life, especially in situations relating to the question.

NOTE: If the second card shows a positive condition and the third card shows a negative condition the person the reading is about is creating a negative outcome for themselves because they believe they are not good enough to get the positive outcome shown by the second card.

#4 – The fifth card shows the past of the situation. What past events or issues are presently bugging the person? A negative past may harm their current condition and they will need to let go of it to stop it from influencing their current condition negatively so they can overcome the obstacle indicated by the second card. A positive past should be acknowledged as inspiration. Even though the person may be facing a problem at the moment the obstacle they face is a natural progression and evolution of the positive past they had the pleasure of experiencing and once they overcome the situation things will be even better than in the past.

#5 – The fourth card shows what tools the person has at their disposal and what they can use to overcome the obstacle indicated by the second card to reach their ultimate goal, shown by the third card.

#6 – The sixth card is the headlight. Where is the person heading? What path are they following? If the card says there is a negative energy on the way the five previous cards should give a good indication of why this is coming and what can be done to avoid this condition from arising by redirecting the person’s life to a better track.

#7 – The seventh card represents the person’s attitude. It represents your actions, thoughts, and ideas regarding the issue at hand. This will give you insight into whether the person’s attitude is conducive to a desirable outcome or whether it’s time to change the way they perceive the situation.

#8 – The eighth card is an energy card. What kind of energy do is the person getting from the people surrounding them and their environment? Are the energies helpful? Or is it time for a change of scenery?

#9 – The ninth card symbolizes what the person wants or fears. This is a revelation card. It signifies the things that they should know and be aware of in their current situation as it might influence the way the person is acting. Something they should never neglect.

#10 – Final card symbolizes the outcome. Based on the current energies, this will have a strong connection with the sixth card. What does it say? Are the energies complementing or conflicting with each other? The final card can also indicate whether the person can avoid the immediate future represented by the sixth card, or whether it is a necessary obstacle they need to face.

Try it a few times and let us know how you like it! We'll have more spreads weekly! Don't miss it! 

1 comment

  • Thank you for your support in guiding me to more effective reading.


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