Who's Doing Voodoo On You?
If you haven't read "Shadow Boxing: Queen of The Damned," you may want to catch up before reading this article because we're specifically referring to a story that was shared...
If you have read the article, hold on to your wigs! Haha! This shit is about to get crazy.
Many of you have asked me for the protection spell I used and I'll drop that at the end. But first, I'm going to answer the question about how I knew and how you can tell if someone is doing "dark magic" on you. I always say "dark" magic because the battle is between "dark" and "light energies". I do not subscribe to the idea the anything Black is bad. I love Black cats and all magic concerning my ancestors is BLACK!
How Did I Know?
A part of my magic is being capable of direct communication with spirits and other realms. I'm basically a SUPREME, haha! I must laugh because I'm referencing TV Witch lingo. That was from American Horror Story: Coven! If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it. Angela Bassett plays Marie Laveau. Among my many gifts, there is clairaudient. If you read the "About Us" I give the full list of gifts. That means I get clear messages either in my ear, other people will walk up and give me a direct message from Spirit (being used as a vessel), or maybe the next song on the radio is sending the message.
For example, one time I wasn't being consistent with keeping up with my Ancestral Altar. I hadn't burned candles in a while or left any offering. I kept telling myself I was going to do it. In fact, I asked Spirit to remind me haha! I heard clear as day, "DO IT NOW"! But what did I do? Ignored it and kept cooking because I felt I'd remember. Thirty seconds later my little cousin walked in listening to music. The song stood out to me for no particular reason at all, but it prompted me to ask the name of it. She said, "Candlelight"! I was so spooked I dropped everything I was doing and prepare my altar!
I have many stories like that. Have you ever been somewhere and a stranger walked up to you and gave you a message you needed and you were like, "That was nobody but God"? Well, sometimes I'll be walking in the grocery store and Spirit will give me a clear message to give to someone else. I always get scared like, "Noooooo, they're going to think I'm a weirdo"! It's so pathetic! I've been very disobedient and on one hand it's out of fear. On the other hand, I've battled with what's me talking and what's Spirit. Clearly because most times, God sounds like me talking. It's the different feeling I get that let's me know for sure. This battle only happens when I'm not as in tune which comes from being inconsistent. The good news is, I can't run from it anymore. The bad news is... I Can't Run From It Anymore!
*Please note: I hear Spirit talking in ONE EAR! If you hear voices talking and it sounds like you're wearing head phones instead of standing a short distance from them, it could be a mental illness.*
But continuing on... I knew because God told me. Then I turned around and said, "No way! Why would anyone want to hurt me with magic?" "Well I'm not worried about it, they're weak."
See I'm a cocky bitch so it should come as no surprise that I'm a cocky witch. I've just always had a struggle with being consistent. Maintaining your relationships in the spiritual world and developing your gifts and powers is a lifestyle that requires everyday practice and devotion. I'm just naturally gifted and powerful because of my bloodline so I have never felt the need to practice. Now you understand why I said God had to beat me down and drag me recently, respectfully! Haha! I'm out here thinking I can just live a regular life and sell my candles and oils on the side, but God has much bigger plans for me.
For months my spirit guides would let me know someone was doing magic against me, but of course because I'm cocky I didn't care. But then it got worse. I started hearing my name being chanted in my ear. That was proof that people were doing spells and speaking on my name. Then I started getting headaches due to the psychic attacks. The whole time I'm just rolling my eyes because I didn't think it was a big enough deal to fight back. So I just battled within about what to do. I didn't want to face the reality that someone was doing magic against me because then I would be faced with WHO IT WAS...
BUT THEN... out the blue my aunt (my mom's litter sister) called and asked if I was okay. I did the whole, yea I'm great routine we all do when we don't feel like talking or don't have shit new to say. I'd been feeling uneasy because she'd been calling me every few weeks randomly asking me if I'm okay and nothing else. That's a dead giveaway that a bitch tryna see if the magic working. But of course I was never fearful of this aunt. Only one of my aunts was really a bad witch and not to be messed with. She's my dad's aunt and she recently passed away. She was the Voodoo lady in town. I'm the next strongest.
Mind you, this the aunt who did the tarot reading that told me I was going to be in a car accident back in 2013. I told you all I come from a family of mystics. My dad's bloodline is the chosen one. My mom's side is just gifted. So I've always looked up to this aunt and she was originally one of my mentors in spirituality. Fast forward to 2020 when I was trying to convince myself she wasn't the one fixing this hex. I pray your idols never become your rivals!
She was calling to tell me she was listening to collective readings on Youtube and found out someone was sending negative energy my way. Again, I told her I didn't care cause these bitches weak. I guess that enraged her. But I was just wondering why she was listing to Libra readings and getting readings done on me. Like, sister girl, your life is in shambles. You have an air mattress in the living room and the TV on the floor. If you're not doing the readings to make money I don't see why you're doing them to mind the business that does not pay you. Flag on the play!
But this was the red flag that prompted me to get a reading done about who was doing magic on me. I kid you not. I did a reading for myself then I went youtube to listen to readings. The message was the same as Spirit had told me in word before I ever picked up a card. It was several people in my family, it was a friend with blonde hair, a former lover and it was my twin flame's girlfriend and his ass too. All of these people were doing spells on me to affect my finances and my love life. To hurt me they wanted to see my businesses fail or to see love leave my life.
The family members were doing this because of jealousy. "I've gotten too big for my britches" and since they're too weak to take me down they turned to dark forces. The so called friend wants to be me and it's really weird because our lives are completely different. My twin flame's girlfriend saw some messages between us, felt he was in love with me and since the magic she did on him worked, she tried to work on me. Bad idea. My twin flame and former lover were doing their own magic from a stand point of twisted admiration where they wanted me but wanted to humble me. They didn't want to hurt me, but if I lost money or my husband that would open a slot for them.
I politely took this information and I went sat alone with it. I was so hurt and distraught I was ready to kill a chicken or a goat to show their asses, but I don't do blood magic. I cried a bit because there's only so far you can go to prove a point before you cross over into the dark side. You really have to be strong not to trade their soul for yours cause that's what happens once people delve into that part of magic- they give up their souls to try and hurt you. Don't do the same! God doesn't really like when we get hype and return to sender all the time. God wants us to be able to let certain things go because she'll handle it. But see... these bitches had to feel me.
So I politely went into my kitchen and my garage. I grabbed my candles, I grabbed a jar, parchment paper, and ingredients. I made a spiritual bath and cleansed myself. Then I prepared my altar. I began writing spells and chanting them! Yes, I write my own spells and you can too. Of course I won't tell you exactly what I said, but the key words at the end were... "Return to sender everything they had for me. Reveal them by their tragedies"...
Within the next few days to a few weeks, everyone that was revealed by my guides and with the cards came to me to let me know their tragedy.
First up was was my former lover. He was a total surprise and the shit was crazy to me because he had the best chance with me. He wanted to get engaged, but didn't know how to tell me he never wanted to get married for have kids. Huh? But a year later was dating someone else and talking about getting married. So to find out he was doing all that was just down right confusing. He called me one day out the blue and told me he almost died on the road driving trucks. I didn't think anything of it until he showed me pictures of the 18-wheeler flipped over across the median after it slid across black ice. He'd just left the gas station from filling up. The truck could have exploded or anything. He was lucky to be alive with minor injuries.
Second was my former friend. We had a budding relationship of equal give and take, but we had conflicting values and had not talked in a while. She called me out the blue. She wanted to sit down and discuss "Spiritual Warfare". That was kind of odd, but she's a positive thought influencer who also uses charms and crystals so it wasn't out of the ordinary to speak on spiritual things. I went to the brunch and we talked. While there she used the exact words I'd gotten from the collective reading, "I feel like my magic isn't strong enough." Yes, it stood out to me, but I didn't want to believe it. Man, like why would this girl do this? She then asked, "Well what do you do to protect yourself?" That made me feel uneasy. That's why I refuse to tell anyone my exact methods. Then sis went on to tell me about a man she was sleeping with who does blood magic. He's basically sold his soul for money so he allows his body to be taken over by whatever entity needs him in order to keep his riches. The stories fucked my head up. We left brunch and went a few more places. I know. I can be pretty naïve. I always want to see the best in people, even the ones with the worst track record. Smh.
Then we went back to her house. She showed me burns and cuts on her body. She said a few days before she hit me up she was cooking. She said the grease hadn't even been on 30 seconds, but when she came back a big bubble burst and burned her arm and chest. Then she said she was reaching in the cabinet and a piece of wood with nails fell out and cut her arm almost slitting her wrist. If that ain't "reveal them by their tragedies" I don't know what is. Don't yall know I still went home and said, "Nah, can't be her!" I know... Go ahead and roll your eyes and smack your lips. Call me stupid. I know. Don't you know Spirit basically called me dumb and what did I say? "Show me one more sign then"! The next day I got on social media and friend had on the exact same outfit I had on the previous day when I met up with her - all the way to the fucking hat! I could have passed out cause I thought it was an old picture of me from when I had blonde hair. I called my sister and told her to go to the girl's page to see it. Sis had deleted it, but I had the screenshot. I cried. My sister just shook her head.
Third was my aunt. She called me just randomly talking and trying to feel me out. Then she mentioned how she was stooping down in the fridge and when she came back up she hit her head and had a big gash that was bleeding. That was all I had on her for the confirmation but as you know things soon took a turn for the worst! She was so hurt and envious about my success that she decided she wanted my soul. Well... as I mentioned before, you have to trade a soul for a soul. The bad news is, my soul is not my own for you to take from me. That's also the good news! If anyone wants my soul you gotta go through my ancestors and get to God to fight her for it. I don't think any of you want that. But she tried and the consequences hit everyone around her including her kids. The only reason I'm so sure of this is because of the wording she projected towards me. She said I was summoning the devil and sold her son's soul. Sis, the devil is not welcome here. I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to chat. I don't dance with demons and none of that shit. These bitches watch too much TV anytime they think I got time to be doing dark magic on them.
The last one I'm going to tell you about is not the last one. Haha! It's just the end of this long ass blog.
So my twin flame calls me one day and tells me about 5 people he know that died, one of them being his girlfriend's uncle. He was killed in accident on a back street in front of a property I'd been looking at. Ya'll I could have shit on myself. Not that I blame myself for any of this. That's why I don't use names in my spells. I just "return to sender". I don't want to be directly responsible for what happens to you. You're the one responsible because I just sent your energy and intentions back to you. They ended up breaking up, money issues.
See how God works? Everyone who's working will get paid. Never forget that. And I will always stand firm in the face of the enemy. You got one time to try me and I'm coming with my ancestors to set your whole life on fire! They know me in the spiritual realm as one who don't play that shit. I'll send your shit back 100 fold! I'm scared to tip toe on hell's boundaries, but I'll never go to hell just to get back at you bitches. I'll send you with a one way ticket tho. Be safe out there...
How To Know If Someone Is Doing Dark Magic On You
Cheenique has several videos and they all helped me piece some things together. Go to her profile. Click videos and if you read all the titles you'll see she has 3-4 videos on the topic. Check them out.
Make sure you're not the one putting the hex on yourself with the negative way you operate in life. If you're always doing shit, you're probably not a victim of a hex, you're just receiving your Karma.
3 Ways To Remove Dark Magic
Be Blessed...
And Remember... Miracles Are Normal!